Whew! It's been a crazy month and a long while since I've updated the journal ! We've been super busy and there are so many moments I've missed that I'm afraid I will forget the details to record them here.
I can start by saying that Frank and I have started a new chapter in our lives and we are embarking on a business venture/life changing event. We are working towards joint goals that we've never dreamed of before and have finally come together in our dreams and aspirations for our future! WOW! It's only taken 18 years! Okay, so we're a little slow on the up-take!
Our precious son, Jagger Reese turned 9-years-old on the 21st of January. It was bittersweet for me as this is the last of the single digit years for him and I feel his childhood slipping away from us. He's growing so fast but has blessed our life in countless ways. Frank and I had a business trip to Atlanta that took us away from home on his birthday, so we celebrated a weekend late. I took him to Walmart to pick up the ice cream and toppings for the ice cream sundae's he wanted to celebrate. He was only having 3 boys sleep over for his birthday/spend-the-night party and in lieu of gifts he chose to collect donations of dog and cat food for the Humane Society. What a great kid we have! Anyway, while we were at Walmart, time was starting to run short and he was in the process of picking out candy for he and his friends to gorge themselves on and he selected a 1 lb. bag of bubble gum. I immediately said NO as he didn't need a full pound of bubble gum for just the four of them. I could see it already, gum in my carpet, gum in their sleeping bags, on my couch, on the ceiling...you name it...the possiblities are endless! I told him to look for a smaller bag. His reply? "But Mom, this IS the small bag.....it says right here... L - B for "little bag". Now who could argue with that? We bought the gum!
Attached is a photo of the boys crashed our in our living room after a hard night of Hubba Bubba, Cherry Dr. Pepper and too much PS3! Ahhhh, the life of the 9-year-old boy! If only WE could be young again!
Happy Birthday our Sweet Boy! We love you bunches!!!
I am a wife and a mother and I AM IN LOVE WITH MY FAMILY ! My wish is to brighten someone's day by sharing our laughter, our tears and just a little bit of the craziness that we are blessed to experience every day in OUR home !
My Family

Why I wake up everyday !
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Christmas Joy !
Whew ! Yesterday was a busy day! After church Frank and I decided that in order to "recharge our batteries" enough to get everything that we needed to get done we should.....NAP! So what did we do? I set the alarm, so we wouldn't over sleep as there was a lot to do, we popped a movie in for the kids and took a nap! Ahhhh! God is Good! He provided us with a good 45 minutes before Jagger came in to wake me up to ask me when the alarm was going off. Two minutes later my daughter is shouting from the potty, "Mooooooom! I'm done poo pooing and pee peeing on da' pottyyyyyyyyyy !!!!"
*sigh*... Nap time is over for me! Anyway, I did enjoy about 45 minutes of blissful sleep prior to all of the standard interruptions one would expect when one has children. Hey! I asked for it....I wanted em'! Even prayed for em'! Be careful what you pray for people... remember God is Goooooood ! lol
So, Frank and I rise from our slumber and get to work undressing our beautifully decorated home and taking down all of the Christmas lights, our Charlie Brown tree and decorations. Kind of sad, but kind of a relief that it's all over. The picture says it all.
Jump back to December 24, 2010.
After finding out that Frank would be working Christmas day, and the "strudel incident", we decided that some serious juggling was going to have to be done in order to accomplish all of the Holiday Joy and Memory Making that we wanted to accomplish. So while Frank was driving like a bat out of....well...you know...to get home on Christmas Eve so we could make the Candlelight Service at Church, I was busily getting our beautiful children ready to attend the service. About 10 minutes before he came screeching in on two wheels, our Precious Punkie Poodle Pie, all dressed to the tee, did it...yup...you guessed it! SHE FELL ASLEEP! So Frank jumps in the shower, jumps out of the shower, dresses and asks, "Are we going to Church?" Of course my only response is to point to the Angelic Baby sleeping on the bed who is oblivious to the fact that she has totally thrown a monkey wrench in our whole evening! Why not just wake her you ask? Anyone who knows Addie Kate knows the answer to that question...so we didn't. We just took our time getting our things gathered and headed over to Daddy No No's and Granny Janny's house for Christmas Eve snackies and gift exchange. We had a wonderful time visiting with family, eating and watching the kids excitedly opening their gifts.
Now here is the meat of the story.
When we returned home, we walk into the house and Santa had arrived! There was a letter he had left, right by the plate of empty cookies and milk in which Santa mentioned that he KNEW that Daddy was working Christmas Day and he made our house the VERY FIRST STOP on the North American leg of the 2010 Christmas Season. He made special note of the reindeer food that Addie Kate had thoughtfully prepared with her own two little hands, she even added sparkly glitter so that Rudolph could see it from high, high above!
Then he reiterated that Christmas is about the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and to ALWAYS remember! But the cute part was that, as my Jagger Reese was reading this letter, he stopped in the middle and shouted, "Mom! Santa IS real...this is in HAND!" I'm so grateful that Santa took the time to write the letter, he kept the"magic" of Christmas alive for my Jagger, if only for another year...for that I'm grateful.
The photo shows the aftermath of the Christmas 2010 Hurricane that blew through on the night of December 24, 2010. Thank you God for my family. I am truly the most blessed woman in the world and I am feeling your abounding love in abundance....right now...at this very moment!
"Gloria in Excelsis Deo !!! "
*sigh*... Nap time is over for me! Anyway, I did enjoy about 45 minutes of blissful sleep prior to all of the standard interruptions one would expect when one has children. Hey! I asked for it....I wanted em'! Even prayed for em'! Be careful what you pray for people... remember God is Goooooood ! lol
So, Frank and I rise from our slumber and get to work undressing our beautifully decorated home and taking down all of the Christmas lights, our Charlie Brown tree and decorations. Kind of sad, but kind of a relief that it's all over. The picture says it all.
Jump back to December 24, 2010.
After finding out that Frank would be working Christmas day, and the "strudel incident", we decided that some serious juggling was going to have to be done in order to accomplish all of the Holiday Joy and Memory Making that we wanted to accomplish. So while Frank was driving like a bat out of....well...you know...to get home on Christmas Eve so we could make the Candlelight Service at Church, I was busily getting our beautiful children ready to attend the service. About 10 minutes before he came screeching in on two wheels, our Precious Punkie Poodle Pie, all dressed to the tee, did it...yup...you guessed it! SHE FELL ASLEEP! So Frank jumps in the shower, jumps out of the shower, dresses and asks, "Are we going to Church?" Of course my only response is to point to the Angelic Baby sleeping on the bed who is oblivious to the fact that she has totally thrown a monkey wrench in our whole evening! Why not just wake her you ask? Anyone who knows Addie Kate knows the answer to that question...so we didn't. We just took our time getting our things gathered and headed over to Daddy No No's and Granny Janny's house for Christmas Eve snackies and gift exchange. We had a wonderful time visiting with family, eating and watching the kids excitedly opening their gifts.
Christmas Eve 2010 |
Christmas Eve 2010 |
Christmas Eve 2010 |
When we returned home, we walk into the house and Santa had arrived! There was a letter he had left, right by the plate of empty cookies and milk in which Santa mentioned that he KNEW that Daddy was working Christmas Day and he made our house the VERY FIRST STOP on the North American leg of the 2010 Christmas Season. He made special note of the reindeer food that Addie Kate had thoughtfully prepared with her own two little hands, she even added sparkly glitter so that Rudolph could see it from high, high above!
Carefully adding ingredients for her Reindeer Food |
"Gotta add some cinnamon! Reindeers love cinnamon !" |
The photo shows the aftermath of the Christmas 2010 Hurricane that blew through on the night of December 24, 2010. Thank you God for my family. I am truly the most blessed woman in the world and I am feeling your abounding love in abundance....right now...at this very moment!
"Gloria in Excelsis Deo !!! "
"Hurricane Gift Overkill 2010" |
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