I swear the epitaph on my tombstone is going to read ...
"I knew this would happen!"
BTW... I stole that one from a friend! It seems like when it rains it pours! No sooner than I wreck our mini-van and cost us an arm and a leg in repairs, everything under the sun hits at one time! Are you familiar with how that seems to work? Murphy's Law they call it. I liken it to wiping your beehinie on a wagon wheel...the poo just keeps on coming back around! Sorry...again...very blunt. I couldn't help myself!
So...cha ching ! In the previous pics, not sure if you noticed my precious son was wearing a darling tuque that his dad brought back from his recent business travels to Toronto. 30 US Dollars to be exact. Pretty pricey for a knitted cap that he'll wear in sunny Florida, what, twice a year? Anyhoo...I digress...
So, our son, who has been told countless times to keep his things picked up because there is a puppy in the house, leaves his tuque out and following the natural order of things, yup, you guessed it....the tuque is now being processed through our puppy's digestive tract. That was $30 bucks well spent!
Next, when the hubster and my sweet son come in from a morning out at breakfast this a.m. I show my loving husband the gift he so had so thoughtfully purchased for our son, or shall I say, what was left of it. He was pretty steamed, but counters me and says...."Oh that's nothing...wait till Jagger tells you what else has happened."
Now, I'm on hold with the insurance company, dealing with a big mess for Frank's parent's....WHOLE 'NOTHER BLOG! and I beg my husband to tell me what happened. He's holding out...."Nope," he says, "I'll just let Jagger show you." Now my first thought is that they have done something to the rental car that we are driving while mine is being repaired, you know, from MY latest screw-up! Nope...that's not it. When I finally get finished dealing with the in-laws crisis, I go back to our son's room and ask him what has happened that his father just can't bring himself to tell me about. It is at this point that my sweet child pulls out his 3-week-old, $220 iPod Touch that he received for his birthday....and the screen is cracked. He had taken it upon himself to remove the $20 rubber protective cover I had purchased for it and decided to carry it around in his pocket "Sans Souci " because nothing is ever going to happen to it..."Mom's crazy for buying that rubber thingy to protect it...why would she do a silly thing like that????"
Famous last words.....
After all of the dust settled and I had time to reflect on this situation, I realize that God is giving ME the same opportunity to show kindness and understanding to my child, that my husband had shown me just one short week ago! Isn't that AMAZING how our God works? I will admit, my reaction was a bit less controlled than my husband's...but I do see the big picture! I see how He is growing me...shaping me....molding ME.....
Colossians 3:13 (The Message)
"12-14So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. "
Love the perspective. I'm not sure I would have gotten there so quickly LOL but I love that you did! Thanks for the reminder about grace and mercy :) I'll remember that for the next time I need it...which should be due any time now LOL
ReplyDeleteLove you Pammie! Mean it !! BTW...lovin' my monkey picture! Tell that sweet Sydney how much we appreciate her talents!