So another quiet morning in the Golden household as I'm relaxing at my computer, catching up on the Yahoo news and drinking a cup o' joe. I'm sitting here thinking of the frigid temperatures here today, it's 27 degrees right now for the Love of FLORIDA!!! Anyhoo, I digress...sitting here I'm recounting the past year and how it's flown by. I can't believe it's December already! I've got tons of gifts yet to wrap and no "me" time to do it. In the quiet of the morning, I'm mentally going through my list of gifts yet to finish up or I need to buy and I remember that one of my New Year's Resolutions is to get my children on a schedule!!! That means ALARM CLOCKS! Yikes! I forgot to buy alarm clocks for their Christmas gifts! Then in the distance of the west wing, yup our house is THAT BIG, I hear, you guessed it....Lilly! Barking her head off. I go to investigate to see what she's barking at and what do I find? She's barking at Jagger. Evidently 6:45 a.m. is late enough! She's ready for him to "wake up" and play with her! Okay....not gonna waste the money on alarm clocks now. Got my trusty mixed breed to do the job for me! Good dog Lilly....good dog!
Lilly has waited long enough !!!! |
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