I just love the little surprises I find when I finally decide to clean house. I mean...who really needs a clean house anyway? Aren't the hairball, dustbunnies endearing? Can't we just be creative and turn them into something fun...like another little dog to take care of or something of the like? Seriously....the tufts of dog hair resting along the baseboards in my house were so big and so numerous that I could have made a small canine from them! Just what I need!
So as I was busily dusting this a.m. I was delighted to find that my precious Lilly has been sneaking off and chewing on the corner of my Mother's Grandfather clock ! You know, the one I can't replace ? Yeah....that one! So now, along with the beautifully saran-wrapped columns in my dining room and the blanket-wrapped antique piece in my entry way, I've added to my home decorating collection a saran-wrapped Grandfather clock!
* sigh * |
Lovin' Life !!!!!
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