She's drawn a sweet little picture of our house. Now keep in mind, three weeks ago, we had an unsuccessful yard sale and decided to leave everything set up in our garage for when my hubster returns from California....who KNOWS when that will be? .... I digress..... But, for the past three weeks we haven't been able to park the van in the garage. So she shows me the delightful picture of our house that she has drawn and begins to explain all of the details of her artistic endeavor.
"Our House" by Addie Kate |
She explains that the sidewalk is going out to the driveway where our van is parked (located near her cutsie little fingers) and the image above our van is our garage and I quote.....
"wif too much stuff in it to park."
...... *sigh* .......
....guess I'll add one more thing to my 1001 things to do!
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